1. Sisyphus in the Castle: Improving European Union Strategies for Democracy Promotion and Governance Conditionality ; Carlos Santiso 2. L'entreprise multinationale, fer de lance d'une mondialisa…
1. Men At Work; Cecile Jackson 2. Continuites And Discontinuities In Political Contructions Of The Working Man In Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: The 'Lazy Man' In African Agriculture; Ann Whitehead 3.…
1. Introduction: Changing Global And Regional Conditions For National Economic Restructuring; John Degnbol-Matinussen And Laudrids S. Laudrdsen 2. Globalisation And The State: Theoritical Paradigm…
1. Formalisation and Informalisation of Land and Water Rights in Africa: An Introduction ; Tor A. Benjaminsen and Christian Lund 2. Reinventing Institutions: Bricolage and the Social Embeddednes…
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