1. Budget turbulance and budget deviation: Do local government have the ability to reduce them? Eva Herianti 2. Tax reform in the performance of tax officers and its implications ntax compliance i…
1.HIV/AIDS Prevention among Young People in East and South-East Asiaa in the Context of Reproductive and Sexual Health 2. Antenatal Care Service Availability and Utilization in Rural Viet Nam 3. …
1.Peluang, Tantangan, dan prospek transportasi laut di indonesia. 2.Implementasi internasional safety management (ISM) code untuk mengatasi kecelakaan pada kapal. 3.Pengaruh produktivitas bongkar…
1. Hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dan sikap terhadap profesi dengan motivasi kerja pustakawan 2. Prospek Komersialisasi jasa perpustakaan 3. Layanan informasi berbasis e-mail 4. Layanan informas…
1. Analisis sitiran skripsi Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya tahun 2015-2017 2. Peran Perpustakaan Umum Kota Depok pada era teknologi digital 3. Me…
1. Reforms in Political Parties Through the Balancing of Funding Sources 2. Synergy and Harmony of the Presidential System of Multi Parties and Election to Associate Indonesia 2045 3. Presidenti…
1. The manufacturing-services dynamic in economic development 2. Technology, offshoring and the task content of occupations in the united kingdom 3. ICTs and labour productivity growth in sub-sah…
1. Recession, austerity and gender: a comparison of eight european labour markets 2. Job polarization in european industries 3. Occupational segregation by hours of work in europe 4. The gender …
1. gender implications of population ageing: right and roles 2. human resource requirements for meeting the needs of ageing societies 3. technologies to reach older persons with health-care serv…
1. Stochastic Dominance analysis for the proverty n tabalong regency 2013 and 2017 2. readiness anlysis of regional innovation implemntation 3. evaluation of budget spending sustanability of DKI …
1. Determinants of unequal access to and quality of education in Indonesia 2. Addressing the limits of production resources through partnerships to improve technical efficiency: a case study of mi…
1. pengaruh jenis minyak goreng dan lama penyimpanan terhadap mutu emping melinjo. 2. The speech of marhusip. 3. analisa fisika pada air sumur warga di sekitar lokasi tempat pembuangan akhir (TPA…
1. Hierarchical global pollution control in asymmtric information environments: A continuous-type, There-tier agency framework. 2. The biased pattern of global outsourcing. 3. Crude oil and stock…
Manajemen laba melalui manipulasi aktivitas riil disekitar penawaran saham tambahan dan kinerja perusahaan faktor determinan pemilihan auditor eksternal yang berkualitas pengaruh debt to equity r…
1. Pengaruh Ablasi Mata Terhadap Perkembangan Ovarium Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata) 2. Usaha Penangkapan Rajungan d Gunungnganyar Tambak, Kecamatan Gunungnganyar kota Madya Surabaya 3. Pengguna…
1. Persepsi mahasiswa fakultas ekonomi terhadap program kewirausahaan pada perguruan tinggi 2. Kreatifitas dan inovasi berpengaruh terhadap kewirausahaan kecil 3. Knowledge management dan peran …
1.the problems of the limitation on the residency in the improvement area housing in kyoto city:was the korean occupy 2. the trend of school discipline in the U.S :thourgh the discussion of corpo…
1.dictatorship as face 2. examining the effectiveness of footprint sheet when teaching throwing moves 3. a comparative study of mathematics education in japan and germany 4. development of ed…
1. Pengaruh stuktur kepemilikan, ukuran komite audit dan kualitas audit terhadap luas pengungkapan kompensasi manajemen kunci di laporan keuangan 2. Studi tentang Work life Balance dan kepuasan k…
1. Geliat Membaca Sastra lama di Kalangan Anak Muda Urben dalam Ranah Organisasi Mahasiswa Ekstra Kampus (OMEK). 2. Implementasi Peran Manajer Rekod dalam Mengelola Rekod Fakultas Teknik Universi…
1. Pemanfaatan Layanan Perpanjangan Masa Peminjaman Koleksi Melalui Media Sosial Facebook di Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta 2. Pengaruh …
1. Pengembangan Aplikasi Augmentek Reality Peta 3D Berbasis Android. 2. Penerapan Lifecycele Service Operation Itil (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) pada ISP (Internet Service P…
1. Kontribusi Bantuan Siswa Miskin terhadap Keberlangsungan dan Keberlanjutan Pendidikan Siwa. 2. Kontribusi Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Madrasah, Kinerja Mengajar Guru dan Kultu Belaj…
1.The Influencing market Liquidity Association Between Asymmetric Information and Cost of Equity Capital 2.Service Quality Components in Hotel Industry 3.Team Empowerment and Attitudinal Outcomes…