1. Linking jobs in global supply chains to demand 2. Oversigh and accountability in the social auditing industry: the role of social compliance initiatives 3. Migrant earning gaps in dulf coopera…
1. The future of work:Meeting the global challenges of demographic change and automation : Ana L.ABELIANSKY, Eda AlALGUR, David E.BLOOM and Klaus PRETTNER 2. Employment Effects of skills around th…
1. Labour market versus FDI policies in GCC countries: A political economy approach; Louis Jaeck and Sehjong Kim (hal.1) 2. Indeterminancy, maintanance expenditures and capital-labour substitution…
1. Will HIV/AIDS Levels in Asia Reach the Level of Sub-Saharan Africa 2. Potential for Reducing Child and Maternal Mortality through REproductive and Child Health Intervention Programmes: An Illus…
1. The growth of precarious employment in Europe: Concepts, indicators and the effects of the global economic crisis 2. The potential effects of labour market duality for countries in a monetary u…
1. Differences in horizontal and vertical mismatches acroos countries and fieds of study 2. Which skills protect graduates againts a slack labour market? 3. Vertical skill mismatch and wage cons…
1. The manufacturing-services dynamic in economic development 2. Technology, offshoring and the task content of occupations in the united kingdom 3. ICTs and labour productivity growth in sub-sah…
1. Recession, austerity and gender: a comparison of eight european labour markets 2. Job polarization in european industries 3. Occupational segregation by hours of work in europe 4. The gender …
1.The architecture of global labour governance 2. Can labour provisions work beyond the border? evaluating the effects of eu free trade agreements 3. Promoting labour rights in the global economy…
1. The living wage: Theoritical integration and an applied research agenda 2. The role of institutions in explaining wage determination in the eurozone: a panel cointegration approach 3. Ownershi…
1. Ethnic wage gaps in Peru: What drives the particular disadvantage of indigenous woman? 2. Gender and labour in times of austerity: Ireland, Italy, and Portugal in comparative perspective 3. Un…
1. Enforcement metters: the effective regulation og labour. 2. Wega distribution and firm size: the case of the united states. 3. ehat drives youth unemployment in europe ? 4. towords better p…
1. Child labour measurement: whom should we ask? 2. Remittance and labour market outcomes: Evididence from mexico. 3. Are labour inspections effective when labour regulations vary according to th…
1. The Importance of Husbands' Engagement in Family Planning Discussion to Promote Contraception Use for birth Spacing in Rural India. 2. The cost of High Suicide Rates in Japan and the Republic o…
1. Closing the gender gap in education : what is the state of gaps in labour force participation for women, wives and mothers? 2. Missing women? the under-recording and under-reporting of women's …
1. Why employment matters : reviving-growth and reducing inequality 2. Do labour market reforms reduce labour productivity growth? a panel data analysis 3. The regional distribution of skill prem…
1. Changing labour regulations and labour standards in China : Retrospect and challenges 2. Labour relations, production regimes and labour conflicts in the Chinese automative industry 3. Labour …
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Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand