1. The Prosody of Harar Oromo Nouns ; Majed Al Solami. 2. Laymen’s Narratives in Amouddou’s Eco-documentary: An Ecolinguistic Analysis ; Mohamed Mliless, Lamiae Azzouzi, Saida Hdii, Handoko Ha…
1. Reading Speed of PBSI Students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta ; Elvi Susanti. 2. Wordplay and World-Play: The Minima Visibilia in The Construction of Linguistic Sciences ; Emad Abd Elkaree…
1. Word Forming Models of Everyday Talish Vocabulary ; Alexandr Umnyashkin, Rustamkhon A. Shodiev. 2. Affixation Process in Sundanese ; Bram Denafri, Mery Melati, Sabri Koebanu. 3. Language Var…
1. Grammaticalization Cases Through the Four Linguistic shifts ; Mohammad Ali Al Zahrani. 2. The Reconstruction of Etymon Proto of Sambori and Teta Isolects Spoken in Bima Regency-NTB-Indonesia ; …
1. The Use of Illocutionary Speech Acts in Colloquial by Anak Dalam Jambi Tribe ; Bambang Prastio, Istiqomah Nurzafira, Abd. Syukur Ibrahim, Gatut Susanto, Roekhan Roekhan. 2. The Referential Use…
1. Phatic Marker in Bengkulu Malay Language ; Eli Rustinar, Cece Sobarna, Wahya Wahya. 2. Maxims of Politeness Performed by Female Sellers at Traditional Market in Sumatera Barat ; Ike Revita, So…