1. Overexoression of Ga Gene Increases Growth and Hyposaline Tolerance in Kappapycus alvareii Transgenic Plantlets; Erina Sulistiani, Suharsono, Ence Darmo Jaya Supena, Miftahuddin (hal. 181-192) …
1. Evaluation of Revegetation Practices in Post-mined Areas in Indonesia; Meilina Wijayanti, Gerald Kapp, Irdika Mansur (hal. 189-198) 2. Effect of Probiotics on White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei…
1. Evaluation of Revegetation Practices in Post-mined Areas in Indonesia; Meilina Wijayanti, Gerald Kapp, Irdika Mansur (hal. 189-198) 2. Effect of Probiotics on White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei…
1. Stories Across Borders: Myths of Origins and Their Contestation in the Borderlands of South and South3east Asia; Erik de Maaker, Monica Janowski (hal. 151-160) 2. Narrating Loss and Differentia…
1. Thai Adaptations of the Javanese Panji in Cosmpolitan Ayutthaya; Christopher Joll, Srawut Aree (hal. 3-25) 2. De-commercialization of the Labor Migration Industry in Malaysia; Choo Chin Low (ha…
1. Demarcation of the Yunnan-Burma Tai Minority Area in Warry's Report of 1891-97: A Critical Evaluation against the Background of Contemporary Chinese Historiography; Hanli Zhou, Volker Grabowsky …
1. Environment and Public Welfare in Creation and Development of Economic Infrastructure in Southeast Asia, c. 1800-1930: Currency Supply, Forest Control, and Rail Transport; Ota Atsushi (hal. 3-12…
1. Policy Making after Revolution: The Faces of Local Transformation of the Philippines; Takagi Yusuke (hal. 199-221) 2. Rise of "Business-Friendly" Local Elite Rule in the Philippines: How the Va…
1. KMT Troops and the Border Consolidation Process in Nothern Thailand; Cui Feng (hal. 177-194) 2. The Struggling Aristocrats? Noble Families' Diminishing Roles after the Splitting of Tana Toraja …
1. Chinese Laborers on a Mining Frontier: The Case of Copper Miners in Northern Luzon, 1856-98; Jely A. Galang (hal.3-31) 2. Care Relations and Custody of Return-Migrant Children in Rural Vietnam…
1. Pola konsumsi dan permintaan pangan sumber protein hewani di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur; Esty Asriyana Suryana, dkk (hal. 1-12) 2. Permintaan Pangan Sumber Karbohidrat…
1. Keragaan Hasil Varietas Unggul Padi pada Dua Musim Tanam di Lahan Rawa Wilayah Perbatasan Kalmantan Barat; Koesrini, Mouhammad Alwi, Muhammad Saleh (hal. 53-59) 2. Periode Kritis Pertumbuhan Ta…
1. Keragaman ras penyakit blas pada pdi sawah; Santoso, Surianto Sipi, Subiadi, Anggoiani Nasution (hal. 1-7) 2. Kelayakan car tanam padi jajar legowo super di sentra produksi padi kawasan sumater…
1. The evaluation of the utilization of the 2018 village funds in bintan district and lingga district; Oksep Adhayanto, Bismar Arianto, Winatawira, dkk. (hal. 125-136) 2. Defining inclusiveness in…
1. Kemiskinan struktural komunitas nelayan di kelurahan sumber jaya kecamatan Kampung Melayu kota Bengkulu; Eine Yamitha Pinem, Septri Widiono, Irnad. (hal.91-112) 2. Pengembangan kapasitas dan ja…
1. Growth and Meat Quality Enhancement of Striped Catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) Using Recombinant Growth Hormone; Reni Aguistina Lubis, Alimuddin, Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo. (hal. 1-8) 2. Pl…
1. Perbedaan balita antara pasangan muda dengan pasangan dewasa di daerah istimewa yogyakarta; Sri Sugiharti dan Umi Lutfiah. (hal. 1-10) 2. Program kesejahteraan sosial melalui santunan pendidika…
1. Analisis Pendapatan dan Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Petani Padi Sawah di Kecamatan Sawang Kabupaten Aceh Utara; Marina, Rahmi Turistia. (hal. 56-63) 2. Interaksi Multipihak dalam Pengembangan Ka…